Supporting teachers
to become better

Because education matters

We have exclusively partnered up with

HOW2 is an interactive, collaborative learning platform which supports, develops and encourages best practices in teaching environments!

The benefits of how2

Bridging the gap between
teaching theory and practice.


Knowledge sharing within groups to encourage shared learning and collaboration

Improved Student

Continuous support to ensure all you need to thrive in the classroom.

Visual Coaching

With over 160 guides available, you won’t run out of knowledge to learn.

We cover the cost of the HOW2 platform for 3 months, for your teachers to use when you partner with us!

Any college or training provider that partners with us, will have HOW2 access for all applicants placed by us with no charge for 3 months.

What does this cover?

Promoting adaptive thinking...

Bridging the gap between knowing the theory to being able to teach the theory! With HOW2’s visual guides that are backed by intense workplace research. The HOW2 web app provides access to techniques that facilitate quick and easy learning for teachers.

Speak to our specialist education consultants today and find out how we can support your needs:
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